Convert DADA2 Data into MicrobiomeStat's Data Object
The `mStat_import_dada2_as_data_obj` function acts as a bridge between DADA2 output and MicrobiomeStat, effectively enabling smooth data transition between the two. It accepts essential DADA2 outputs and converts them into a MicrobiomeStat compatible format for subsequent microbiome data analysis.
- seq_tab
A sequence table from DADA2, where rows represent samples, and columns represent sequences (features). This table is crucial for subsequent MicrobiomeStat analyses.
- tax_tab
(Optional) A taxonomy assignment table derived from DADA2. Each row corresponds to a feature (sequence), and each column corresponds to a different taxonomic rank. This table enriches the feature information.
- sam_tab
(Optional) A sample metadata table. Each row corresponds to a sample, and each column provides different metadata attributes. This table enriches the sample information.
- phy_tree
(Optional) A phylogenetic tree of class 'phylo'. This tree represents the phylogenetic relationships between features (sequences) and can be incorporated into certain analyses.
A MicrobiomeStat data object, containing the following elements: A matrix of the feature (sequence) table.
meta.dat: A data frame of the sample metadata.
feature.ann: A matrix of the feature (sequence) taxonomy annotations.
tree: A phylogenetic tree, if provided.
This object is readily accepted by MicrobiomeStat's downstream analysis functions.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# library(Biostrings)
# seq_tab <- readRDS(
# system.file(
# "extdata", "dada2_seqtab.rds",
# package = "microbiomeMarker"
# )
# )
# tax_tab <- readRDS(
# system.file(
# "extdata", "dada2_taxtab.rds",
# package = "microbiomeMarker"
# )
# )
# sam_tab <- read.table(
# system.file(
# "extdata", "dada2_samdata.txt",
# package = "microbiomeMarker"
# ),
# sep = "\t",
# header = TRUE,
# row.names = 1
# )
# data_obj <- mStat_import_dada2_as_data_obj(seq_tab = seq_tab,
# tax_tab = tax_tab, sam_tab = sam_tab)
} # }