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This function implements a simple, robust, and highly scalable approach to tackle the compositional effects in differential abundance analysis. It fits linear regression models on the centered log2-ratio transformed data, identifies a bias term due to the transformation and compositional effect, and corrects the bias using the mode of the regression coefficients. It could fit mixed-effect models. Note that linda is developed separately from other MicrobiomeStat functions, so its usage is different.


  phyloseq.obj = NULL,
  feature.dat.type = c("count", "proportion", "other"),
  prev.filter = 0,
  mean.abund.filter = 0,
  max.abund.filter = 0,
  is.winsor = TRUE,
  outlier.pct = 0.03,
  adaptive = TRUE,
  zero.handling = c("pseudo-count", "imputation"),
  pseudo.cnt = 0.5,
  corr.cut = 0.1,
  p.adj.method = "BH",
  alpha = 0.05,
  n.cores = 1,
  verbose = TRUE



A data frame or matrix representing observed OTU table. Rows represent taxa; columns represent samples. NAs are not expected in OTU tables so are not allowed in function linda.


A data frame of covariates. The rows of meta.dat correspond to the columns of feature.dat. NAs are allowed. If there are NAs, the corresponding samples will be removed in the analysis.


A phyloseq object (optional). If provided, the feature.dat and meta.dat will be extracted from this object.


Character. For example: formula = '~x1*x2+x3+(1|id)'. At least one fixed effect is required.


Character. Specifies the type of the data in feature.dat. Options are "count" (default), "proportion" or "other". If "count", the data will be treated as count data and undergo zero-handling. If "proportion", the data will be treated as compositional data and undergo half minimum imputation for zeros. If "other", all filters (max.abund.filter, mean.abund.filter, and prev.filter) will be reset to 0.


A real value between 0 and 1; taxa with prevalence (percentage of nonzeros) less than prev.filter are excluded. Default is 0 (no taxa will be excluded).


A real value; taxa with mean abundance less than mean.abund.filter are excluded. Default is 0 (no taxa will be excluded).


A real value; taxa with max abundance less than max.abund.filter are excluded. Default is 0 (no taxa will be excluded).


Boolean. If TRUE (default), the Winsorization process will be conducted for the OTU table.


A real value between 0 and 1; Winsorization cutoff (percentile) for the OTU table, e.g., 0.03. Default is NULL. If NULL, Winsorization process will not be conducted.


Boolean. Default is TRUE. If TRUE, the parameter imputation will be treated as FALSE no matter what it is actually set to be. Then the significant correlations between the sequencing depth and explanatory variables will be tested via the linear regression between the log of the sequencing depths and formula. If any p-value is smaller than or equal to corr.cut, the imputation approach will be used; otherwise, the pseudo-count approach will be used.


Character. Specifies the method to handle zeros in the OTU table. Options are "pseudo-count" or "imputation" (default is "pseudo-count"). If "imputation", zeros in the OTU table will be imputed using the formula in the referenced paper. If "pseudo-count", a small constant (pseudo.cnt) will be added to each value in the OTU table.


A positive real value. Default is 0.5. If zero.handling is set to "pseudo-count", this constant will be added to each value in the OTU table.


A real value between 0 and 1; significance level of correlations between the sequencing depth and explanatory variables. Default is 0.1.


Character; p-value adjusting approach. See R function p.adjust. Default is 'BH'.


A real value between 0 and 1; significance level of differential abundance. Default is 0.05.


A positive integer. If n.cores > 1 and formula is in a form of mixed-effect model, n.cores parallels will be conducted. Default is 1.


A boolean; if TRUE, progress messages will be printed. Default is TRUE.


A list with the elements


A vector of variable names of all fixed effects in formula. For example: formula = '~x1*x2+x3+(1|id)'. Suppose x1 and x2 are numerical, and x3 is a categorical variable of three levels: a, b and c. Then the elements of variables would be ('x1', 'x2', 'x3b', 'x3c', 'x1:x2').


numeric vector; each element corresponds to one variable in variables; the estimated bias of the regression coefficients due to the compositional effect.


a list of data frames with columns 'baseMean', 'log2FoldChange', 'lfcSE', 'stat', 'pvalue', 'padj', 'reject', 'df'; names(output) is equal to variables; the rows of the data frame corresponds to taxa. Note: if there are taxa being excluded due to prev.cut, the number of the rows of the output data frame will be not equal to the number of the rows of Taxa are identified by the rownames. If the rownames of are NULL, then 1 : nrow( is set as the rownames of

  • baseMean: 2 to the power of the intercept coefficients (normalized by one million)

  • log2FoldChange: bias-corrected coefficients

  • lfcSE: standard errors of the coefficients

  • stat: log2FoldChange / lfcSE

  • pvalue: 2 * pt(-abs(stat), df)

  • padj: p.adjust(pvalue, method = p.adj.method)

  • reject: padj <= alpha

  • df: degrees of freedom. The number of samples minus the number of explanatory variables (intercept included) for fixed-effect models; estimates from R package lmerTest with Satterthwaite method of approximation for mixed-effect models.

the OTU table used in the abundance analysis (the after the preprocessing: samples that have NAs in the variables in formula or have less than lib.cut read counts are removed; taxa with prevalence less than prev.cut are removed and data is winsorized if !is.null(winsor.quan); and zeros are treated, i.e., imputed or pseudo-count added).


the meta data used in the abundance analysis (only variables in formula are stored; samples that have NAs or have less than lib.cut read counts are removed; numerical variables are scaled).


Huijuan Zhou, Kejun He, Jun Chen, and Xianyang Zhang. LinDA: Linear Models for Differential Abundance Analysis of Microbiome Compositional Data.


Huijuan Zhou Jun Chen Maintainer: Huijuan Zhou


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
ind <- smokers$meta$AIRWAYSITE == "Throat" <-$otu[, ind])
meta <-
  Smoke = factor(smokers$meta$SMOKER[ind]),
  Sex = factor(smokers$meta$SEX[ind]),
  Site = factor(smokers$meta$SIDEOFBODY[ind]),
  SubjectID = factor(smokers$meta$HOST_SUBJECT_ID[ind])
ind1 <- which(meta$Site == "Left")
res.left <- linda([, ind1], meta[ind1, ],
  formula = "~Smoke+Sex", alpha = 0.1,
  prev.filter = 0.1
ind2 <- which(meta$Site == "Right")
res.right <- linda([, ind2], meta[ind2, ],
  formula = "~Smoke+Sex", alpha = 0.1,
  prev.filter = 0.1

linda.obj <- linda(, meta,
  formula = "~Smoke+Sex+(1|SubjectID)", alpha = 0.1,
  prev.filter = 0.1
} # }