Generate Volcano Plots for Taxa Differential Test for a Single Time Point
Generate Volcano Plots for Taxa Differential Test for a Single Time Point
group.var = NULL,
feature.sig.level = 0.1, = "fdr",
features.plot = NULL,
palette = c("white", "#7FB695", "#006D2C"),
pdf = FALSE,
pdf.wid = 7,
pdf.hei = 5
- data.obj
A list object in a format specific to MicrobiomeStat, which can include components such as (matrix), feature.ann (matrix), meta.dat (data.frame), tree, and feature.agg.list (list). The data.obj can be converted from other formats using several functions from the MicrobiomeStat package, including: 'mStat_convert_DGEList_to_data_obj', 'mStat_convert_DESeqDataSet_to_data_obj', 'mStat_convert_phyloseq_to_data_obj', 'mStat_convert_SummarizedExperiment_to_data_obj', 'mStat_import_qiime2_as_data_obj', 'mStat_import_mothur_as_data_obj', 'mStat_import_dada2_as_data_obj', and 'mStat_import_biom_as_data_obj'. Alternatively, users can construct their own data.obj. Note that not all components of data.obj may be required for all functions in the MicrobiomeStat package.
- group.var
The grouping variable tested, found in metadata.
- test.list
The list of test results returned by generate_taxa_trend_test_long.
- feature.sig.level
The significance level cutoff for highlighting taxa.
Multiple testing correction method, "fdr" or "none".
- features.plot
A character vector of taxa to be plotted. If NULL, all taxa will be plotted.
- palette
An optional parameter specifying the color palette to be used for the plot. It can be either a character string specifying the name of a predefined palette or a vector of color codes in a format accepted by ggplot2 (e.g., hexadecimal color codes). Available predefined palettes include 'npg', 'aaas', 'nejm', 'lancet', 'jama', 'jco', and 'ucscgb', inspired by various scientific publications and the `ggsci` package. If `palette` is not provided or an unrecognized palette name is given, a default color palette will be used. Ensure the number of colors in the palette is at least as large as the number of groups being plotted.
Boolean; whether to save the plot as a PDF file.
- pdf.wid
Numeric; width of the saved PDF file.
- pdf.hei
Numeric; height of the saved PDF file.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Load the data
# Generate a list of tests for taxa significance
test.list <- generate_taxa_test_single(
data.obj = peerj32.obj,
time.var = "time",
t.level = "2",
group.var = "group",
adj.vars = "sex",
feature.dat.type = "count",
feature.level = c("Family"),
prev.filter = 0.1,
abund.filter = 0.0001
# Generate volcano plots from the test results
volcano_plots <- generate_taxa_volcano_single(
data.obj = peerj32.obj,
group.var = "group",
test.list = test.list,
feature.sig.level = 0.1, = "none"
volcano_plots <- generate_taxa_volcano_single(
data.obj = peerj32.obj,
group.var = "group",
test.list = test.list,
features.plot = peerj32.obj$feature.ann[,"Family"][1:10],
feature.sig.level = 0.1, = "none"
} # }